Saturday, August 25, 2007

Inaugrial Postage

well, as you can see, i've done it. broken down and started a blog. Had to happen eventualy, its a fact of life that eventualy, you create a blog so you can bitch about life, and mabe somone can read it, and either agree with you, or get in an arguement with you. Such, as it is.
this is definitly not going to be a consistant thing, if you plan on becoming a faithful reader, prepair yourself for months of checking with nothing, and then a week of posts made at 3:30 am when i cant sleep and must rant about something.

thusly, and with much cerimony, detail, and pimp and curcumcision, i bequeeth unto thee, Jarik's blog.
so let it be written, so let it be done.

Jarik out.

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