Thursday, December 13, 2007

5 great iPhotos

five pictures i took in the last few months

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Epic website crafting

today, me and caedes are engaging in crafting skills. this is level 375 artasin grand master webcraftery. what are we doing? we're moving hosts.
and making a new 404 page. might as well have a nice one, going to see it a lot during this process i think.
i pause to tell you the site, because we don't need it tested yet. give us a few days.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Some new Photos

Here are four more pictures i took this week:

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pictures with my new camera

Just a few shots i snapped off friday after work.
in order:
clouds on the road from work
flowers outside a local resturant
and the last one is a vine growing on the stay cable on the telephone pole outside my house.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Huzza! i have the electricitys again!
long story real short, the electric company failed to be awsome, and didn't create our acount when they told us they did, and then they turned off the power. for a week.
its back on now.
this is much better.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Aviation Day

Today was aviation day.
yesturday, i got myself a 20$ radio control airplane, but it was to windy to get any good flights (i nearly lost it into the college football field). but today, i woke up at 8:30 (sleeping in for the win) looked out my window, and saw sad sad trees, with leaves all a droop, not the slightest shiver of wind.
thusly, i bounded out of bed, got dressed, charged the plane, and bolted for the athletic track and practice field. (thus being the only place big enough to fly)
while i was driving, i was thrilled to see about half a dozen hot air balloons in the air over town!
yes, i had forgotten that today was part 2 of the big bend balloon bash! I've lived here for nigh on 6 years, and had never seen it, as i usualy sleep through there flight windows. but this year, as i work for a living now, and cant sleep past 9, i got to see them.
one looked like it was going to land on the practice field, and got so close i could hear the people talking in the gondola, but the breeze shifted aparently at there altitude (no wind i could feel on the ground) and they changed course and ended up running the burner to get higher.
i also had great luck with my plane, and had some good long flights. As it is a cheep plane, its sorta bork, and won't turn right for beans, so i'm stuck with large left handed circles, but its still a lot of fun. i'm going to have to get a better plane.

aviation day rocks.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dream Life

Somtimes, I have the strangest dream.
In my dream, i am maried. I can't place a name or face to my wife in my dream, but in my dream, i have been maried for some time. What makes the dream odd, is the feeling that comes with it. in the dream, when my wife is near me, i feel good, and part of me is aware that she is there. and also in my dream, when she is away from me, I feel like a part of me is missing, part of me has gone with her, and i can feel it. That part of me comes back when she does.
while i'm dreaming, it seems like the most natural thing in the world, that feeling.
but the part that ruins the dream?
when i wake up.
because that part of me goes with my dream wife. i then spend the rest of the day feeling like i'm missing something that is important to my existance. It is very distracting.

but part of me likes it.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

i hate youtube

i hate youtube.
you ask why?
well i'll tell you. You open up youtube to look for one music video, or clip from the news, or some thing you saw last month, and next thing you know, you've spent 11 hours of your life watching clips from this or that show, or researching tattoos via video, or WHATEVER! there needs to be an auto cutoff on youtube, after say, 20 videos, it closes your browser, and you gotta start over, that way mabe i'd get some sleep.

I'm Wearing a Tie

mostly for shock value.
i'm normaly the guy in a button up short sleve shirt and bad haircut at church. Today however, it will be combed hair, tie, respectable looking Jarik.
i'm going for the "double triple Quadruple Take!" wish me luck.

I hate days like this

i'm awake, at 12:16 am, and all i'm doing is reading the internets, and i cant tear myself away and go to bed.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Inaugrial Postage

well, as you can see, i've done it. broken down and started a blog. Had to happen eventualy, its a fact of life that eventualy, you create a blog so you can bitch about life, and mabe somone can read it, and either agree with you, or get in an arguement with you. Such, as it is.
this is definitly not going to be a consistant thing, if you plan on becoming a faithful reader, prepair yourself for months of checking with nothing, and then a week of posts made at 3:30 am when i cant sleep and must rant about something.

thusly, and with much cerimony, detail, and pimp and curcumcision, i bequeeth unto thee, Jarik's blog.
so let it be written, so let it be done.

Jarik out.